Monday Night Sessions
Aimed at boys and girls aged 8-16, the emphasis is on enjoying the game in a safe environment.
After a couple of fun warm-ups, youngsters generally split into groups according to age and ability. Then we usually practice a couple of techniques from the key skill areas of batting, bowling or fielding and finish with a game of non-stop cricket or pairs cricket. Except for older players, we normally use light kwik cricket balls or tennis balls.
All our coaches have appropriate coaching and child protection certificates and the session leaders are qualified UKCC Level 2 cricket coaches.
There are also opportunities for parents to get involved by helping out with coaching sessions, providing transport to games, etc. Please contact Davey Fallas (07739 261 305) for details.
Schools’ Coaching Programme
We are once again committed to deliver our free Schools Coaching Programme in 2016, through which we will be providing approximately 200 hours of free cricket coaching in local schools. This benefit to our community has been made possible following much appreciated financial support from The Robertson Trust and Bank of Scotland Foundation
Our annual Kwik Cricket Festival is a follow up to the free coaching the club will be providing in local schools. Each participating school is invited to send a team to play in the event at the end of May. The winners then progress to a regional event as part of a national Kwik Cricket competition.
updated 02/04/16